Lean IT - Empedus

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Lean IT

Services > Training > IT Governance & Service Management
Lean IT™ is an extension of Lean Principles, applied in an IT environment. The approach is a way of thinking and acting, focussing heavily on organizational culture. Lean IT™ is associated with the development and management of Information Technology products and services.

Lean IT is a trademark of Lean IT Association LLC. All rights reserved.
LeanIT™ Foundation

LeanIT™ Foundation helps IT organizations to ensure that they provide their customers with the best possible services. Through understanding customer value, the processes that deliver this value, the way to manage performance, the way to organize and the required attitude and behaviour, IT organizations are helped to develop a continuous improvement mind-set. LeanIT™ is complementary to all other best practice methods.

10 Fidiou St, 10678
Athens, Greece


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