COBIT®5 - Empedus

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Services > Training > IT Governance & Service Management
COBIT® - Control Objectives for Information and related Technology is the IT governance framework originally created by ISACA, Information Systems Audit and Control Association and subsequently managed in partnership by the latter with the IT Governance Institute (ITGI). This framework has now reached its fifth version, named COBIT® 5.
COBIT® Foudation

The COBIT® Foudation course (COBIT5 Foundation course), articulated in theoric and interactive sessions, addresses the issue of IT governance and illustrates the structure, basic concepts and objectives of the COBIT framework (COBIT5 framework).
COBIT® 5 is a Registered Trade Marks of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association and the IT Governance Institute

10 Fidiou St, 10678
Athens, Greece

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